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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Finding your schedule

Hello everyone, today I am just going to talk about organization in the home and how easy it is to feel overwhelmed. Every mom has a lot on their plate and for most the plate feels small. We probably have all felt or said "there are not enough hours in a day." There are things you can do to make your life easier. What I do is every semester of school I reorganize everything and redo everyone's schedules. So for those of you who don't go to school find a time a couple times a year to reorganize things as well as reschedule. When scheduling things the first thing I do is put my kids on a strict schedule. By keeping them on a strict schedule helps things be less chaotic in the afternoons.
Of course everyone has there own times of the day that are the most chaotic and in need of organization. For me it is in the afternoon, three of my kids rush in the door all talking over one another and shoving papers in my face and telling me every second of their day. So the first thing I did was to put a container on my desk, and anything my kids want me to look at or sign gets put in there. They do not say another word about it, then latter in the evening sometimes even after they are in bed, I go through all their paperwork.
Everyone has their own schedule and their own organization that works best for them. I am always looking for new ideas. If you have any please leave a comment.

1 comment:

  1. Woot First follower
    Woot First comment!!!!!

    Awsome post will be looking forword torwds your next posts
